
Senin, 27 Juni 2011

hari ini 27 juni 2011

Aku udah resmi jadi murid SMA NEGERI 3 Sidoarjo. Bangga rasanya :D
gapapa dah walo gak masuk sma 1.
gak ada sma 1,sma 3 pun jadii

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Asal Mula Pulau ROTE (ROTI)

Rote Island

Rote is a small but a fertile island. Rote is located at province of east Nusa Tenggara. There wasn’t any big town on the island, but a small village. Not very far from that village, there was a small hut. A woman and her granddaughter lived in that hut. Everyday the grandmother went to the beach to catch fish. When grandmother was away, then she got busy in the kitchen cooking rice. In the afternoon both of them cooked the fish. When the meals were ready, both ate ravenously.
One day, the old woman told her granddaughter , ‘’My granddaughter, from now on please cook one grain of rice only a day. Please don’t forget about it,’’ said the grandmother earnestly then the girl got busy with the cooking. After a short time, she went to see whether the rice was well cooked. When she opened the lid of the cooking pot, the content overflowed.
The girl tried frantically to catch the flowing rice with a bowl. But the rice continuously overflowed. The girl got more franticly seeing the rice flood, the entire floor of the hut. The rice even flooded the garden outside. Crying, the girl ran out of the hut to look for her grandmother. On her way to beach, the girl ran into her grandmother. Her grandmother got very mad at her because she didn’t obey her. The girl cried out for mercy. Her grandmother, unfortunately, kept on beating her. Suddenly the girl disappeared in a thin cloud. Not long after ward, the cloud cleared a way and there appeared a monkey. The girl has changed into a monkey.
‘’Now. Grandmother, you are all by yourself. Nobody else is going to cook the rice, prepare the coffee and talk with you,’’ said a monkey.
The grandmother got lost in receive. She deeply regretted what she did.

Senin, 16 Mei 2011


hari ini 16 mei 2011
kaget banget ternyata orang itu . . .
sumpah dah kget.
dunia kok sempit yo ??:@
mangkelll . . . .


kemaren rabu 11 mei 2011.
saya berangkat menuju pulau dewata bersama teman2 SMP.
senang rasanya.
sedih rasanya saat hari liburan berakhir.:(
kpn bisa kyk gni lg yoo ??

tp itu semua sudah berlalu sekarang saatnya persiapan menatap tes SBI.
bismillahirohmanirrohom . . .  .:D

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Anak kecil berbakat baca Al-Qur'an

malam ini 07 mei 2011
saluut dah ama tu anak !!
aku ngapalin surat An-Naba ae 3 minggu,masa de'e skali datang langsung hapal ??
padahal baru kira-kira kelas 3.
sipp dek !!
yo ngunu generasi muda iku !!

sabtu malem,7 Mei 2011

nanti malam Ba'da isya ada pengajian. Mudah-Mudahan materinya nanti saya bisa hafal. Nanti materinya ysitu menghafal surat An-Naba.
agak susuah tapi mudah-mudah'an bisa :D